When to Expect Baby Teeth to Appear

2 years ago

A COUPLE OF the biggest rites of passage in childhood are the first baby teeth coming in and the...

Cavities: The Most Common Childhood Disease

2 years ago

40% OF KIDS WILL develop at least one cavity by the time they turn eleven, which makes tooth decay the…

How Do Swimming and Diving Affect Teeth?

2 years ago

“SWIMMER’S CALCULUS” SOUNDS more like advanced mathematics than anything to do with teeth, but it’s actually the term for yellow...

Dental Health in Ancient Cultures

2 years ago

WE TEND TO ASSUME that people from earlier eras (especially the pre-industrial ones) must have had terrible dental health, but…

Never Forget That Teeth Are Not Tools

2 years ago

TEETH HAVE MANY different uses, from chewing our food to helping us speak clearly to forming the structure...

How to Get Ready for the First Dental Visit

2 years ago

PARENTS CAN DO a lot to help their child come into the dentist’s office feeling relaxed and...

A Parent’s Guide to Teaching Dental Habits

2 years ago

PARENTING CAN BE such a wild time that you might struggle to find a moment to brush your own teeth,…

Time for a Lesson in Dental Anatomy!

2 years ago

THERE WON’T BE a pop-quiz later, but we still want our patients to be familiar with the anatomy of their…

Medieval England Versus Bad Breath

2 years ago

NOT MUCH WAS understood in Medieval England about cavities or gum disease, but they...

What Can Parents Do About Teething?

2 years ago

SOME OF US remember the soreness and discomfort of our incoming adult molars, not to mention...