Dental Crowns

Do you have extensive damage to your teeth? After exploring every dental option, dental crowns may be the best choice for you.

What Are Dental Crowns?

A crown is a cover or “cap” that can be put on a tooth. A crown restores the tooth to its normal shape, size and function. The purpose of a crown is to make the tooth stronger or improve the way it looks.

Crowns look natural and fit comfortably in your mouth. The tooth location, the patient’s preference, the existing condition of the tooth, the color or shade of the tooth, and the function of the tooth are all considered in the determination of crown material.

INDICATIONS for crowns:

  • Esthetics
  • Protecting a broken tooth or one that has been severely worn down
  • Covering misshapen or severely discolored teeth
  • Protecting a cracked tooth
  • Restoring a weak tooth and prevention of further damage
  • Restoring a dental implant
  • Restoring a tooth after the completion of Root Canal Therapy


After your crown is in place, it is important to maintain proper oral hygiene to prevent plaque buildup and gum disease. Always remember to brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once. To schedule a consultation regarding dental crowns, give us a call at 843-383-5777 or email us.

We look forward to hearing from you!